TSA Pre-check vs. Global Entry

Have you ever cut in line in front of 400 people? I have and it was ahhhmazing! Well, except for the looks of contempt from all those still waiting in line. But, I’ve been there too, and totally understand.

Let me back up though. If you’ve ever travelled through a US airport you’re sure to know what TSA pre-check is. If not, it’s a separate line you can use at airport security that gets you through much faster. You don’t have to remove your shoes, belts, or light jackets, take out liquids or laptops, and generally I’ve found the agents, while still thorough, move you along a little more quickly. The TSA website claims that, “In January 2020, 94% of TSA Pre✓®passengers waited less than 5 min.” To use this magical line you must have “TSA pre-check” printed on your boarding pass. Back several years ago you could sometimes get this designation by chance. Nowadays they are much more strict on this and require that you go through the application process.

Headed to the gate

A few years ago we applied for TSA pre-check and went to the airport to do the paperwork, fingerprints, and interview. The cost is $85 per person and it’s good for 5 years. Another bonus: children 12 and under traveling with you can go through pre-check, too! If you do all your traveling domestically, this is probably all you need. I can attest that when traveling with friends who go through the regular security line I’m usually all the way through, have grabbed a water bottle and a magazine, and still have to wait 10 minutes for my friends to get through their line.

So we’ve established that TSA Pre✓® gets you to your flight faster. What about getting back home? That’s where Global Entry comes in. After several international trips spent waiting in long lines at customs I decided to look into just what Global Entry was all about. It turns out that with Global Entry you can skip the long customs lines by checking out through a kiosk with your passport, declaring anything you’re bringing back, and then handing the printed out receipt to an agent on your way out the doors. Also…your Global Entry pass includes TSA Pre-check!! The fee for Global Entry is $100, so my recommendation is to pay the additional $15 and get both. You never know when you might need it.

Get here faster!!

Truthfully, I was a little leery of giving the government all of my information, going through the background check, and all that it seemed to entail. The reality is this: all of that information is out there anyway and hello…I have nothing to hide!! So, last year before heading to St. Barts for Spring Break, I applied for Global Entry for all four of us. (Something to note: each family member must apply, regardless of age. You cannot bring anyone with you through Global Entry if they have not been granted the designation, including your children.)

After you apply online and provide all required documentation you’ll be asked to set up an interview. This can be the tricky part. It’s best to start this process well ahead of any upcoming trips. Most DHS offices that offer these appointments are at major airports. We were lucky that there was also a local office in our town that offered limited time slots for interviews. I was able to get my son’s and my application through quickly enough to get appointments before our trip. My husband and daughter took a little longer. By the time their applications were through and we were asked to set up an interview, the only appointments available before our trip were in towns 8+ hours away!!

This is how I ended up skipping ahead of 400 people in the Atlanta airport. We took our trip to St. Barts and our return flights home took us through Atlanta. We had a good two hour layover and I figured we had plenty of time. Since we had flown from St. Martin to ATL we had to go through customs and immigration and then back through security to take our next flight to get home to Houston. As we walked down the corridor toward customs the crowd of people ahead of us stopped and appeared to be in a line. All of the regular customs kiosks were down and the roped off lines to get to the customs agents were completely full. We were in a line to get into that line!

At that point my husband suggested that my son and I go ahead and use our newly minted Global Entry cards. I had planned to stay with the group (we were traveling with another family, too), but realized our predicament. It could take hours to get through this line and we could miss our next flight! So we took off around the line with all of the people staring us down. It took less than 5 minutes to use the kiosk and get through security. Which, by the way, closed the TSA pre-check lane after we went through.

We made it to our gate, checked in with the gate agents to let them know that our party was stuck but on their way, and still had time to grab a bite to eat. I was so relieved to see our group walking up to the gate an hour and a half later. Our plane was boarding and they literally had to walk right on with no time to stop. Luckily we all made the flight, but this experience really made me realize that it is worth the trouble to be able to use these programs!

Breckenridge 2020

Eric and I met in college and from the very beginning we took a lot of road trips. His truck also broke down all the time – more on that another time! So throughout the last 20 years we’ve been to so many places, taking several trips a year. Some small and local, some big and grand. I plan to document our current travel as I go, but until then we can catch up on places I’ve been. Hopefully it will help someone out who’s looking for ideas or inspiration.

My favorite coffee spot

For New Year’s 2020 we took to the mountains of Colorado. Our family of four, along with two other families, rented a house in Breckenridge, Colorado for a week right after Christmas and over the New Year’s holiday. We stayed 5 nights and had amazing snow, beautiful views, and lots of fun!

We planned this a bit last minute, but were able to find an awesome house to rent that would sleep 6 adults and 7 kids…that’s a lot of people under one roof! This was my second time to use Evolve Vacation Rental for a vacation rental. They are nice to work with, but honestly it’s almost completely done online and for this trip I never spoke to anyone over the phone or in person. I booked it online, received email confirmations, payment reminders, and check in instructions. At the end of the trip we followed the check out instructions and locked up behind ourselves. Here’s the house we rented if you want to check it out.

This kitchen rocks for a large group!

We flew into Denver and were met with a snowstorm. The wait for our rental car was over an hour and miraculously we got one of the last 4wd vehicles they had. I have to give a shout out to Avis on this one. Yes, it was a realllly long wait and for most of that time we were standing outside in the blowing snow, but we ended up with an upgraded rental – a Tahoe with only 72 miles on it. And their agents were dealing with some customers who were…ahem…not very nice that day. Somehow I didn’t know that every.single.person goes to Breckenridge for this particular week. Crowded was an understatement. And, just so you know, Colorado has something called the Passenger Vehicle Traction Law. I wasn’t aware of this prior to getting on the highway, but the CDOT signs quickly let us know that without a 4 wheel drive vehicle, we were not welcome on the mountain roads. Apparently as the conditions change they may enforce the Passenger Vehicle Traction Law which means unless you are 4WD or have chains, you could get a ticket. If the weather gets bad enough, they enact the Passenger Vehicle Chain Law – which you guessed it, means you need chains too. It then made sense to me why all the rental car customers were demanding 4WD cars.

How cute are these bunks??

Once we made it to the house the first evening we were happy that it matched all the pictures and descriptions. Everyone picked bedrooms. The kids had a super cute bunk room. Each adult couple had their own room with en-suite. There was a living room and a separate den on the main level as well as a den downstairs for the kids. Aaah…spread out togetherness!

The next morning we got acquainted with town and signed the kids up for ski school for the following day. We discovered that parking and restaurants were going to be an issue for our large group and meanwhile the kids had a blast running around in the snow around the house.

All ready for ski school!

Day 3 we dropped the kids off at ski school, the other four adults went skiing, and the two of us checked out town and had lunch near the slopes. We ate a little place called TBar, right at the base of Peak 8. Definitely try the Fireside Coffee! It will warm you right up!

Ski bunnies!

Half of the kids loved skiing and went back for a second day. The others had enough of the cold and preferred to hang at the house and go sledding. Oh…and we got to make a trip to the next town over for some dr visits. Apparently altitude sickness is a real thing. One of the sweet girls with us had to be on oxygen the rest of the trip 🙁

We picked up some sleds at the grocery store and found out that we could walk from our house to the local sledding hill. A little park called Carter Park had the best hill! And it was free!! We had so much fun there and the kids even got to build a snowman.

Evening in Breck

After a day filled with skiing, doctor’s visits, and sledding we were all beat! We tried hard for a raucous NYE party…but I have to admit that we called it in on east coast time. How cute are these party people though?!?

All in all, it was a fun time with lots of snow! If we were to go back I would definitely pick a different week (not around a holiday) and maybe a bit warmer. -8 on the mountain was a bit cold for me. I love that we have great friends that we get to do fun trips with and that our kids are getting to do these adventures together, too.

Cabin Juice

If you have any questions about Breck, I’ll do my best to answer. I have been there a couple of times in addition to this trip. Thanks for reading and let me know your favorites in this cute town!

Fair winds and safe travels ~ Rachel

Tesalate Towel Review

Double sided design!

We’re getting ready for another boat trip and I believe Instagram is trying to help me pack…again! Am I the only one who has started shopping straight from the ‘gram lately? (Leave me a comment below if you think I need some help!) Anyway…one of the posts they so helpfully started putting in my feed was from Tesalate. They make beautiful beach towels that are supposed to be sand free, lightweight, quick drying, and ultra compact for traveling. When I saw their posts I knew I had to try one out. Also – they have lots of really fun patterns to choose from!

The Alchemist pattern

During our last sailing vacation over Thanksgiving, we chartered through BVI Yacht Charters out of Tortola (spoiler alert: we loved them and are chartering through them again for our next sail!) They provide all the linens and bath towels for your trip, but they ask that you bring your own beach towels. They also partner with the local animal shelter and suggest that you leave your beach towels with them for the animal kennels. So I thought, “Great! We’ll just buy towels when we get there and leave them at the end. Then we don’t have to pack towels!” This was all well and good, but I didn’t factor in that I had no idea where to buy the towels when we got there. (I got lucky and was able to find some at the cash and carry, but they literally pulled them out of the stock room for me.)

Tesalate towel bag

All that to say, I was interested in a compact, lightweight alternative for this trip. And they are super cute! I made the purchase on IG and it arrived within a couple of days. They say the company is based in Australia, but some of their distribution must be here in the US for that quick turnaround. As a conditioned Prime shopper I appreciated the fast shipping! It came in a cute little bag that will be great to keep for travel. The towel is super light, and I tested it after a shower and can vouch that it’s plenty absorbent. I felt like it really dried my hair quickly, too! I have yet to see how it does in the sand, so I will update after the trip. Until then, check them out. I am not an affiliate so this is purely a product recommendation of something I bought and would tell my friends to buy.

Do YOU have one? Share your thoughts below and what pattern you chose!

Fair winds and safe travels, ~Rachel

I know you have something planned…so where are you going next?

“Always on vacay”…wish that were true!

This is the question I get asked so often. Because it’s true…I almost always have another trip in the works or at least the dream in my head. If you look back through my Facebook or Instagram accounts around 75% of the posts are from our vacations. The rest are of my kids or a project I’m working on at home or for my art studio. And while I love social media for sharing pictures I wanted to add the stories that go along with them. I also get asked for travel advice by friends and family so I thought I could take up this blog as a way to document our travels, add some helpful information from what I’ve learned, and even talk about the things we do while we’re not off traveling the world.

So welcome to my little corner of the internet world! I named this site The Roundtrip Life because while I L O V E to travel…I also enjoy the feeling of coming back home, thus our travel is always roundtrip. There’s just something about sleeping in your own bed! I hope you’ll find some inspiration here and I hope you’ll leave me your ideas and encouragement as well.

Fair winds and safe travels ~ Rachel