Mini Bathroom Makeover

When you think of a full bath – one with a sink, toilet, and shower – you probably think of a decent sized room to hold all these components. Well, our house has a full bath upstairs, but it’s what I call a mini-version. It’s very compact and has a sloping ceiling that doesn’t accommodate a mirror over the sink. At least not one you can see yourself in if you are over 5’ tall. It’s always just been an extra bath for us until recently when our daughter took it over as hers. She made it work just fine…but one day it started raining in the dining room! Yes, the shower was leaking through the ceiling. This was just before Christmas. A great time to start a remodel.

Luckily, we were able to replace the shower floor (drain, shower pan, and tile) without ripping everything else out. But of course if you give a mouse a cookie…we didn’t completely remodel the space…but, I would call it a major makeover.

We moved plumbing, repaired Sheetrock, painted, changed out all the hardware and faucets, added a shower door and new shower floor tile, replaced the vanity and sink, and found a new perfect swivel mirror that works with the space. I wish I had taken more before pictures, but you can get an idea of what we were working with. Some of the “before” pictures I had drawn on when we thought we might move walls around. So glad we didn’t go that route!

Also, our daughter had decided she wanted to go with the matte gold hardware. I love it! It can be hard to find though. Some pieces I ordered on Amazon, some I bought through a plumbing supply store, and some I really did spray paint gold! Can you guess which ones??

I know you have something planned…so where are you going next?

“Always on vacay”…wish that were true!

This is the question I get asked so often. Because it’s true…I almost always have another trip in the works or at least the dream in my head. If you look back through my Facebook or Instagram accounts around 75% of the posts are from our vacations. The rest are of my kids or a project I’m working on at home or for my art studio. And while I love social media for sharing pictures I wanted to add the stories that go along with them. I also get asked for travel advice by friends and family so I thought I could take up this blog as a way to document our travels, add some helpful information from what I’ve learned, and even talk about the things we do while we’re not off traveling the world.

So welcome to my little corner of the internet world! I named this site The Roundtrip Life because while I L O V E to travel…I also enjoy the feeling of coming back home, thus our travel is always roundtrip. There’s just something about sleeping in your own bed! I hope you’ll find some inspiration here and I hope you’ll leave me your ideas and encouragement as well.

Fair winds and safe travels ~ Rachel